For many of us, a funeral is an opportunity to celebrate the life of our loved ones. These celebrations can be religious or non-religious, with the focus very much on the laughter, the fun and the good times shared with them.
This usually starts with discussing the tone of the service, which enables us to gauge exactly what you would like to achieve. We would then recommend the celebrant or minister that we feel fits your particular requirements and who we feel has the general personality that suits your family. We use a range of male and female celebrants from a variety of backgrounds.
Some of the things that we can do for you:
- Replace hymns for special pieces of music, or have a combination.
- Create photo collages in the printed orders of service.
- Place a feature sized photograph in an easel next to the coffin
- Live stream the funeral from most indoor and outdoor venues
- Arrange the service in a different venue (we once arranged a funeral in a local pub!)
- Provide a range of colourful picture coffins or alternative coffins (willow etc)
- Offer a range of memorial products, jewellery and ashes into glass.
- Provide a range of urns specifically designed for scattering, burial or taking out to sea.