Welcome to Stockman & Loram’s platform for charitable donations. We use MuchLoved.com to process all charitable donations, who not only handle donations in line with all relevant legislation, they are also able to claim GiftAid for the charities from your donation if applicable.
MuchLoved deduct a 3.2% transaction fee which includes all development and administration of the donation processing service as well as the full Gift Aid reclaim process. This enables MuchLoved to run and support the donation facility on a not-for-profit basis, with our transaction fee considerably cheaper than that of other suppliers such as JustGiving.
There is also a 1.25% payment card fee deducted by the card processor, which is the same as for any other online transaction. There is no other fee or deduction.
Generally charities receive more money through this platform than by traditional methods, as we were unable to claim GiftAid on any donations, whereas MuchLoved can.